One of the most active R&D areas of AIBILI is done in the scope of the development of AI tools for ophthalmology diagnosis and follow-up. Two main research lines are being developed: 1) screening and 2) progression of blinding age-related diseases.
Currently associated with the first research line we have been developing and validating of a prototype to be used in the screening and management of blinding age-related diseases. The prototype will allow the detection, characterization, and follow-up of lesions associated with Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) and Diabetic Retinopathy (DR).
As for the second research line AI algorithms for the automated prediction of DR progression have been developed to be used as an alternative to the Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study (ETDRS) grading system, facilitating the identification of the different risk factors involved in the disease progression.
In the past, AIBILI has already been engaged in the development of a software product, RETMAKER, that enables automatic detection and analysis of alterations associated with DR. This product, which uses a patented algorithm of AIBILI, has been already successfully deployed in screening programs worldwide. RETMARKER reduces the burden associated with the DR management, by reliably identifying diabetics with no signs of DR.